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                                                                 Costa Rica Hacienda Rio Negro -  San Vito

                                                                          RainForest Alliance Certified


Costa Rica Hacienda Rio Negro is from one of Southern Costa Rica’s quality growing region San Vito.  This coffee is very rich in taste and will never disappoint you.   The coffee has a delicate rich taste.  You will love this coffee cold because it does not lose it taste.  One of the best for making ice coffee.   It is a very balanced coffee that has a rich clean flavor and a rich sweet aftertaste.  The coffee’s best features come out in a Bold or French Roast.   This coffee is never out of balance and even holds it taste and sweetness even when it is cold.   


                                                                         Trade Certification: RainForest Alliance



                    Recommend Roast: Medium/Bold           Aroma: Pleasant                     Flavor: Smooth/Rich Sweetness 

                    Appearance: Clean/Sparkling                    Body: Medium                       Fragrance: Rich 




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 Coffee is grown in Costa Rica on both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes at altitudes between 1600 and 5400 feet. The highest grade is called Strictly Hard Bean, grown at elevations over 3900 feet. Costa Rica produces some exceptional coffees, renowned for their brilliance, balance and complexity.produces the best coffee in the world. They roast only SHB - Strickly hard bean - grown at altitudes greater than 1300 meters above sea level. These altitudes produce the best conditions for bean growing and results in the highest quality Coffee for all their blends.

Their fair trade and environmental conservation policies ensure that consumers can feel good about their purchase. They promote both the farmers and the artisians of the area ensuring income for both.  Costa Rica was the first country in the world to constitutionally abolish its army. (Spanish) Among Latin American countries, Costa Rica ranks 4th in terms of the 2007 Human Development Index, and 48th worldwide. Costa Rica is ranked 5th in the world in terms of the 2008 Environmental Performance Index, up from the 15th place in 2006. In 2007 the government of Costa Rica stated that they want to be the first country to become carbon neutral by 2021.